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I have helped dozens of people becoming leaner, stronger, healthier and happier. My goal is to leave my clients with the tools to maintain physical and mental fitness for the rest of their lives!


I specialize in strength & conditioning, weight loss, back pain, postural correction, mobility and nutrition. I have also trained clients in specializations that include bodybuilding, powerlifting, sports specific, women's bikini fitness, obstacle course racing.



In order to confirm you are ready to begin training, you will complete a physical readiness questionnaire followed by measurements of your weight, waist circumference, heart rate and blood pressure and more. Note all injury and medication history. Your information is strictly confidential.



Regularly a $200 assessment, FMS is a  valuable pre-participation screening tool designed to identify compensatory movement patterns that are indicative of increased injury risk and inefficient movement that causes reduced performance. I include FMS for all my clients for no charge.



Through a series of tests and observations, I will assess the following: posture, hip orientation, GAIT, ankle mobility & orientation, shoulder impingement, back pain, flexibility, grip strength. Further testing will be done as required.



I won't be wasting your time having you walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes before we start training. Dynamic stretching exercises will take your body through the full range of motion while warming up and preparing the specific muscles and joints to be used training that day. Unlike static-stretching, dynamic stretching does not decrease muscle elasticity needed for performance.



Foam rolling works by compressing skeletal muscle, thereby triggering myofascial release of 

overlapping muscle sheath tissue. Deep compression helps to break up and relax tight muscles and 

adhesions formed between muscle layers and their surroundings. If our muscles are not taken care of properly we can experience loss of flexibility, adhesions, and painful movement. Massage Therapy is an expensive but highly effective option. For a cheaper and more precise option, use a lacrosse ball.



Basic barbell training of the fundamental 5 or 6 lifts is by far the most effective use of time in the gym for a novice - that includes those seeking weight loss, athleticism and "toning up". Every client will spend at least some time learning these movements due to their sheer efficiency. Benefits include improved body composition, energy levels, mood, sleep, metabolism, posture, coordination, core strength, mobility, weight loss, insulin response, cholesterol, blood pressure, and greatest carry over to other exercises. And don't worry ladies, no, you won't get bulky - just stronger.



Again following the theme of efficiency, HIIT is easily the best way to improve cardiovascular endurance and burn fat - and requiring much less of your time. Interval training alternates short bouts of high-intensity with low-intensity rest periods. This jacks up your heart rate and activates fast-twitch muscle fibers, leaving you with more calories burned in much less time AND with the added benefit preserving your muscle mass unlike traditional steady-state cardio.



Though useless as a form of resistance training, circuits can be a fun alternative to interval training for cardio. A typical circuit involves 5 different dynamic exercises in a row with no rest in between. After a brief breather and water break, start all over. Rinse and repeat.



Workouts will always finish with static stretching in order to give the muscles some room to grow. You will learn innovative stretches for muscles you didn't even know were tight and find relief in areas you didn't know you needed.



I've coached clients through postural abnormalities including: rounded shoulders, gorilla arms, duck feet, knock-knees, bow-legs, swayback posture, anterior/posterior pelvic tilt, kyphosis, dowager's hump, upper/lower cross syndrome, and left/right muscle imbalances. Correction plans follow a protocol of myofascial release, mobilization, stretching and strengthening.



There's nothing wrong with looking good. Training to shape specific muscles and body parts as part of a balanced training program can be both fun and rewarding. Targeted exercises, higher volume, 

medium intensity and a tightened diet are sure to get you beach ready.

"If you lay or sit down for 23 hours per day and stand for 1 hour per day (even if spent working out)
which demand do you think your body will more readily adapt to?"


Pavel Tsatsouline

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